Hello! Rebel's here!
Finally, we're back at work again. Shoreijuu will take care of Seiketsu as usual and I got the first 2 volumes of Kumo no Graduale in French two days ago. I started translating the first chapter already. We've been studying translation theories hoping that we'll be able to do a better job in a short time. Our time is very limited unfortunately! anyway, we're enjoying this so we're doing our best. I see that no other groups picked any of our dropped projects so I'll probably introduce some of them to scanlators myself and I hope it goes well.
some of you may wonder why drop all the projects and then pick up a new one? why not continue one of the dropped instead? the answer is that all the dropped series are in Japanese; Shoreijuu, the JP/ENG translator, can only work on 1 series and I, FR/ENG translator, can only work on 1 series too. So now we can work on 2 series at the same time.
And we said this before, we definitely and warmly welcome any translator who wants to continue one of the dropped series or has another series in mind. I love all those damned series we dropped! >_<
thank you for your time reading this long annoying post!
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