Monday, June 10, 2019

Mokke Incoming! Ranting is Here!

It's been a while. Almost a year actually. 
Well, I might drop a Mokke chapter in a couple of weeks. 

yup, just like that... back from the dead!

Ok let me fill the post for a bit now. 

OPM season 2 sucks! I never expected much the moment I heard jc staff doing it but still I got disappointed. (between you and me, it's not horrible.)

At least, we got another season of Ace of Diamond and it's the part that counts too. manga fans will understand what I mean ;)

and of course, Shingeki! I read the manga for a while and I've been waiting for that Levi vs Beast Titan scene to be animated since. When it came. IT WAS EPIC! 

The most disappointing of all was Game of Thrones and the most pleasantly (hauntingly) surprising of all was Chernobyl!  

I think that was enough words! See you in a couple of weeks! 

oh and I hear another basketball manga will be animated! JUST REMAKE SLAM DUNK ALREADY DAMMIT!!!